In the state of Indiana, you should always protect yourself on the road with automobile insurance because the risks are not worth the loss. Getting car insurance will help protect your property, liability, and even medical expenses that can result from a collision on the road or highway. In Indiana, like most places in the United States, there are no shortages of auto accident risks. Read more to learn why speaking to a Brandy Insurance agent in Indiana is in your best interests.
It is very important to purchase and maintain automobile coverage on any vehicles that you plan to drive in the state of Indiana. According to facts and figures supported by the state of Indiana, in 2016, there were 390,218 motor vehicles involved in collisions in 2016, up four percent from 2012. Passenger vehicles represented 94 percent of vehicles in all collisions, but only 80 percent of vehicles in fatal collisions, according to the state's data. Further, the proportion of both motorcycles and large trucks were consistently disproportionately high in fatal collisions between 2012 and 2016.
Auto insurance comes in many varieties. There are minimum liability laws that require residents to acquire auto insurance before driving on state roads. Beyond liability, collision and comprehensive coverage options are available to protect your vehicle from accidents and covered perils. If you want coverage from damages and help with repairs, you will need an auto insurance policy for your vehicle.
Bandy Insurance provides an assortment of auto insurance plans in the state of Indiana. If you need to obtain auto insurance for any vehicles you own, now is the right time to get in touch with the Brandy Insurance agency. A qualified agent can assist you in getting the proper auto coverage you need in a policy that makes sense for your situation and budget. Contact our offices to speak with one of our agents and get a free quote.